About courtney hines!

courtney likes to eat a lot

her favorite food is fries

favorite sport

courtneys favorite sport is track and feild

she runs the 400 and 200 meter race she alsoo ran cross country and did summer track where she ran her first 100 meter race.

courtney's favorite subject

my favorite subject is math although im not really good at it in the begining but i catch on really fast .


courtney is a freshman that atends pebblebrook high school she really enjoys the school because it gives her so may oppritunities and she can do sports she can be in PA theirs just endless activities she could sign up for. Courtney ran for homecoming court and became the freshman AKA 9th grade homecoming princess. there is so many great things to do at school and so far she is enjoying her time at pebblebrook.

plan after high school?

courtney plans on atending emory university to become what she always wanted to be witch is a pediatric nurse practitioner. Her main focus is getting into the college because she heard its a great school to atend if she wanted to be in the medical field